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Nurse's Office

Thank you for visiting our Health Office page! Our school nurse is on-site to help students who become ill or injured during the day. Students should be dismissed to the health office by their teacher, except in cases of emergency or for students needing to regularly take medications. Please refer to the sections below for an overview of the Health Office at GMSD.


REMINDER: Please keep the emergency information up-to-date. In the event of a major emergency, we must be able to reach you or the listed emergency contact within a short period of time.

Contact the School Nurse

Reagan Jones

School Nurse


Health Forms & Notices



Required Examinations

Height and Weight Measurement

Students will have their height and weight taken each year at the nurse's office.

Dental Examinations

A dental examination is required on entry to school and third grade. A dental exam may be completed at school by the school dentist or privately by the child’s dentist. The dental exam must have been completed no earlier than September 1 of the previous year.

Hearing & Vision Screenings

Each year the school nurse screens all students for possible hearing and vision problems. If a concern is found during screening, a follow-up screening is done. If the concern still exists, a referral will be sent home with the student.

Physical Examinations

A physical examination is required on entry to school. A physical exam may be completed at school by the school physician or privately by the child’s physician. The physical exam must have been completed no earlier than July 1 of the previous year.


Health Room Visits

The nurse is available to assess a problem – not to treat it! If anything requires more than very basic first-aid, or there is a problem that requires a child to be excluded from school, the parent will be notified. The parents or someone they designate will be expected to have the child picked up as soon as possible.

A child will be excluded if exhibiting the following:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Head Lice
  • Reddened eyes with drainage
  • Chicken Pox
  • Unexplained rashes


Infectious Conditions & Other Health Concerns

If any child has an infectious condition that requires antibiotic treatment, it is advisable that this child receive antibiotics 24 hours at home before returning to school. If at any time during the school year your child should develop a health problem or have a change in his/her health, please notify the nurse in order that the school health record can be kept up-to-date.


Administering Medication at School

Please do not send prescriptions or over-the-counter medicine to school with a child. If unavoidable, we must have the proper form signed by a parent and the child’s physician. All medication must be delivered by a parent/guardian to the school nurse in the original container. Medication will be dispensed only once during the school day. Any medication that is to be given periodically for the entire year (e.g., inhalers for asthma, allergy medications), also requires a special form that must be signed by a physician. Forms are available in the health room or may be downloaded from the "Health Forms and Notices" section below, or click here to view.

Tylenol and antacid may be administered by the nurse if parents have given permission in writing or have checked such on the enrollment sheet. Parents will be notified when medication is given to their child.